Step-by-step instructions on how to integrate your BigCommerce store into Flieber
1. Create API Account
Log in to your BigCommerce account and navigate to:
Advanced Settings » API Accounts » Create API Account » Create V2/V3 API
2. Adjust Permissions
Set permissions to 'modify' in all the fields below and save.
3. Download Text File
Upon saving, BigCommerce will generate a text file containing the information to be mapped to the Flieber BigCommerce Account Integrations Page.
4. Mapping Information to Flieber
Fill in the information in Flieber accordingly to the text file.
Flieber | Text File |
BigCommerce account name | CLIENT NAME |
Client ID |
Access Token | ACCESS TOKEN |
API Context |
API PATH (without the '/v3') |
Store URL | API PATH |
5. Configure Store in Flieber
Inside the Configure Stores, add your Big Commerce store and fill the data accordingly to the mapping above.
If there are any questions or concerns, click on the chat bubble in the lower right corner or send an email to