Inventory Forecast
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Inventory Forecast Page Overview

Check the details on how the day of stock of your products are calculated

The Inventory Status page provides comprehensive visibility into days of stock, predicted stock out periods, and detailed visualization of inventory consumption.

Flieber will calculate inventory consumption based on the mapping of locations to your store, your inventory levels, and sales forecast data. The system will project and deduct your inventory each day based on your sales forecast. It will then calculate the number of days of stock you have per product and indicate any predicted stock out periods.

Note: Before exploring the page, it is important to ensure that all the inputs are updated (Setup for the account, Sales Forecast, Inventory On Hand and Inbound Shipments)

FAQ - Inventory Forecast Page

Q: If my location fulfills two channels, how is it calculated and represented?

A: Flieber displays daily inventory consumption for each channel and calculates total days of stock based on their combined consumption.

Q: How can I check Predicted Stock out?

A: If the Estimated Delivery Date of the next inbound shipment is after the stock out day of inventory on hand, Flieber will display an intermediary stock out period. This allows you to assess potential sales loss and take preventive measures, such as adjusting product prices to reduce the sales or expediting inbound shipments.

Q: How does Flieber calculate Days of Stock for a location that transfers units to Amazon FBA and fulfills other channels (e.g., Shopify)?

A: Considering that the setup is correct, this is how Flieber will perform the calculation for each location:

  • FBA Location: The inventory will be consumed each day according to the sales forecast of the Amazon Store.
  • Location X: The inventory will be consumed each day according to the sales forecast of the Shopify Store + consumption of the Amazon Store when the FBA location is out of stock since it is a storage location.

Setup Details: In this case, for your Amazon store, you need to set the FBA location as Fulfillment (filling the column “Fulfilled From”) and your Location X as Storage (filling the column “Storage At”) and, for your Shopify store, you need to set your Location X as fulfillment.

Q: Does Flieber take lead time into account for the Inventory Forecast?

A: In this first version, Flieber does not take the lead time into account. Therefore, the predicted stock out periods are mainly based on the analysis of the delivery dates of the inbound shipments within the system. In March 2024, we will release the second version of the Inventory Forecast Page, which will enable checking future sales losses according to the lead time of shipments that have not yet been placed.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us by clicking on the chat in the lower right corner of Flieber.